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September 24, 2009



After previewing your lovely new book, which I think is an absolute must for any scrappy collection I am torn... which quilt would I want to make 1st? I absolutely love Criss-Cross Applesauce... it is fun & stylish... it just says "make me!" But I really think the 1st one that I would make is "Milky Way" because it would make an absolutely wonderful QOV! Fun, easy, great stash-buster & perfect for giving.

Cecilia Young

The quilt on the front cover looks gorgeous. It would look great in a lot of different fabrics.


Criss Cross Double Toss is calling me - I'm looking forward to seeing your fabric Olivia too. Another fabric purchase, as well as the book.

This is awesome. Love everything I see.


Congratulations on your new book, it's another great book with some really nice patterns. Thanks for sharing.


Luv the Steamy Windows.

Mary Durham

I really like the Steamy Windows. It could be done in so many different fabrics for such completely different looks.


Love steamy windows, it looks very classy and the controlled pallete of authentic really makes it pop. I am thinking of doing it in pink, red and mint green. once again a great collection from you.

Darlene B

I think the color possibilities for Criss Cross Double Toss are absolutely endless. Could be very scrappy, or very planned....Looks like a great book, Gudrun!


Æðisleg bók hjá þér, til hamingju með hana.
Ég var einmitt að skoða nýju efnin þín á, ofsalega falleg.
Ég er að nota efni úr Ammas Garden í rúmteppi núna og ég held ég verði bara að gera annað úr Glow líka ;)
Hlakka til að fletta bókinni hérna á Klakanum :)

Gale Lavers

Love Steamy Windows and the colors you used are just beautiful. I love working with jellyrolls, so easy just sew, sew, sew. Will definatly be getting myself one of these books, winning one would be great. What quilt shops will be carrying these?


I really like Angler's Choice. It looks quite complicated, but I assume that using the strips will make it fairly easy to piece. I can't wait to see how it's done! In blues and greens, Angler's Choice would be a wonderful throw for our living room.


I love the Criss Cross Double Cross pattern and totally love the Authentic line of fabric! Your book looks fantastic and right up my line of working with strips! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!


WOW!!I like all the quilts, but I love all your patterns. The milky way is my fav. Keep up the great work


Love the Angler's Choice from the Bali Pops.


OK - Criss Cross Double Toss is now my favorite! The blocks are so unique! Very nice!!


I looks awesome!


The book looks awesome! Can't wait to see it.

Vickie E

I really like what you did with Authentic! Will you be at quilt market? I'd like to see the quilts in person!


The book looks fun--and I love that you have a project for the leftovers---I can't wait to see the new fabric....

Olga Magnúsdóttir

Ég hlakka til að fá þessa bók. Hvenær verður hún á Íslandi?

Fríða og Helga

Til hamingju sáum hluta teppana í Quilters Treasure í gær, og hlökkum til að fá bókina í hendurnar.
Kv. Fríða og Helga


Love the quilt on the back cover called Steamy Windows. Actually all of your patterns are great. Can't wait to see the book!

Carolina H

Your book look great! I love the green colour! And the quilt at the back is so beautiful, simple and stunning.
Quilthugs, Carolina in Sweden


Congrats on your new book--very exciting. It looks amazing. What could be better than new strip ideas!

Melissa C

I really like Criss Cross Double Cross. Can't wait to see what else this book has in store for us.


I congratulate on an exit of the new book! Good luck in the future undertakings!


I love the Criss Cross Double Cross. I enjoy working with strips.


I am so in love with the Authentic line, and here you have a wonderful project all ready for it......*S*

Mary Ellen Honan

How exciting to have a fabric line. I love the Angler's Choice pattern, especially the color choice. Clever idea to incorporate the table runner to use the extra fabric.


I always look forward to your new books! Love the Steamy Windows quilt!!!


The new book looks like lots of fun! I love the back cover quilt. I've been wondering what to make with my Authentic precuts! Thanks!

Mary on Lake Pulaski

The book looks amazing Gudrun and I especially like Steamy Windows out of Au Then Tic but can't wait to see it make out of Olivia!!!


I just saw in a magazine an add for the fabric Authentic and I was wondering what I could make with it. Now I know! Your quilt Steamy Windows looks great in that fabric line.


I love them all! I think the two cover quilts are my favorites...I'm just really liking those block styles right now! And I've been following your blog and Twitter but somehow didn't realize you had fabric coming out...congratulations...can't wait to see that too!

Ruth B

Oh so pretty. I love the Authentic line...great choice for your quilt. It would be perfect in my house. I think I need one too.


I just love the Steamy Windows quilt on the back cover. The Authentic fabric line is one of my favorite fabric lines that is currently out. I could decorate my whole family room with the Steamy Windows quilt and matching table runner. Thanks for such great ideas and patterns. I can't wait to see what else you have inside that book!


Gorgeous!!! I love the Steamy Windows quilt featured on the back cover... can't wait to see what other quilts you have inside the book!


I really like the quilt on the back cover. Depending on the fabric it's a pattern I could use for a man or woman or child... Of course it's cool in Authentic!!


Ooh! they both look so pretty and not horribly complicated-love this type of quilt!

Jeanette Nelson

Yipee! Absolutely love the Criss Cross Double Toss. Can't wait to see the book and the fabric line. Oh the fun.


The front and back cover quilts look fun and quick to make - got ta love it just three months to big gift day.


I love the back cover quilt! Very simple but yet so beautiful,
Lotta in Sweden

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