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September 08, 2010


Carol Dombrowski

I just came upon your pictures of the get away trip to Sanibel. I used to live in Fort Myers and work on Captiva. There is no place like it to "shell", relax and to go to beautiful shops. When I was down there a couple of years ago, I brought back lots of beautiful quilt quarters - there is no place like it for colorful fabrics.

Leslie Schmidt

I remember the ambivalence of sending the kids off to school, wanting more time with them while they were young, but enjoying the freedom of having time to myself. Good luck to your kids. They are a good-looking bunch!


Yummy pile of scraps!

I am having lots of lasts this year too. It's sad yet encouraging at the same time. It's great to see them making progress, but sad to see the years slipping away so quickly!


new beginnings an very exciting year for your oldest son. I hope he enjoys the last year of high school it's very busy and goes by so fast. Mine started his first day of college yesterday.

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