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September 21, 2010


Sarah in Houston

Looks like this is going to be so much fun. I love the project ideas!


Thank you for arranging a Fall Celebration!

Sue Perrez

When I saw this project I couldn't believe it!!! I was just in one of my favorite quilt shops yesterday and looking to make a fall project with candy corn on it. Well, here it is. I am so inspired by all the wonderful quilters on this hop. I read all the blogs regularly with my cup of coffee in the AM and in the PM. I fall asleep with ideas swimming in my head from all the designers...


Love the pattern. Can't wait to try it.

Roxanne Fisher

I love the table runner of candy corn. Last night I picked out my fabric and we will see how it turns out.


Love the candy corn tablerunner. My favorite design is your Braid Runner!

lorene holbrook

love, love, love the candy corn table runner! thanks or sharing with us!


Susan Melgaard

Just love these Shop Hops you put together. Keeps me so interested in all of the teachers in Minnesota. Thank you so very much. Wish I knew what a URL was so I could really take part in this.

Francine A Warren

So excited to participate! It makes getting to see so many great artists & shops when we all live so far away!


Should be fun


I am so excited to get started! What a great idea!!!


I'm ready and waiting!!!


can't wait for the start!


Sweet! This sounds like fun, can't wait!

Karen Scheitlin

I have never hopped before but would like to. I just started my blog yesterday.

Laurel Turner

I have my Witches' hat out and ready to go to the Blog Hop. Cant wait. Laurel


Can't wait to get started. Loved your hop last year!

Karen at Briarside Lane

Invited some friends on FB...


I have never done a hop. I can not wait to srart.


I am in. This is my first, sounds like fun. What beautiful good witches you make

Miss Nancy

This sounds most interesting. I am looking forward to it so count me in. You have some wonderful quilters lined up. Thank you for organizing this adventure.

Have a super great day.


I will be joining the blog hop. Sounds like fun.

beth Macdonald

This looks like SO much fun . I have never done a blog hop but I'm so going to give this a try . Can't wait till it starts. I don't have a blog . will post to my facebook :O)

Patty Hall

Thanks once again for sharing all of you gals talents with us. I have posted your link on my blog and looking forward to getting the first one. My fingers are itching to get going . I did the holiday one and enjoyed it all. Quilter000

Mary Ann Hentschell

Will be looking forward to the "Blog Hop." I am sure I have at least a book or pattern by you and by most of the designers you are featuring.

Mary Ann

Vickie W.

Can't wait for the Hop-as usual you have an amazing group of talented ladies on board! Should be great fun! Thanks for doing this!

Linda P

I'm all set - wish it was today!! Thank you for doing it again!!

Diane Muska

Love blog hops! Can't wait for Monday so this can start. My son's wedding is on Saturday and this will give me something really fun to do after all of the wedding festivities. What quilter doesn't love new fabric!!?? Diane

Karen T  in ND

Oh-h-h-h-h This sounds like fun, Monday will be exciting. Take care, Karen T

carisa berrett

I am a very "hoppy" witch!!! i am so gald I found this. can't wait.

Louise K.

I've never done a blog hop before and would love to participate. It sounds like such fun! Is this how I register?


I'm hopping! Can't wait to see the projects and who doesn't need more fabric?

Lee Ann L.

I've never done a blog hop before and I think this will be fun! I'm going to join y'all!


Oh! Good Witches--my favorite! I will be joining in on the 27th. Thanks for organizing this blog hop and thanks to all you fabulous designers for participating.
Happy Fall-o-ween to you all!

Kathee Aitken

Oh I am so lucky to have found this site and now can join your hop!


Kay Talbott

I'm in! What a nice way to usher in the fall season!


What a wonderful group of ladies. I can't wait for this to start.


I want to hop and have posted the link on my blog.


Count me in! I've never done a blog hop before!

katherine schaffer

I want to join all these fabulous GOOD Witches!

Olga Magnúsdóttir

Hlakka til að fylgjast með þetta var mjög gaman á síðasta ári. Kannski kem ég einhveju í verk núna


This is so exciting. I love fall & Halloween, plus I'm just so excited to have found your blog. I've blogged about your Fall-O-Ween blog hop,, as well as tweeted about it,, and shared on facebook!!/profile.php?id=1397726470


This will be fun!


Oh, this will be WAY more a Treat than a Trick. *S*

I'm so ready.

Vickie E

p.s. sorry I mis-spelled your name DOH!

Vickie E

you guys are too too cute! look forward to this hop! thanks Gundrun


Love this, I'm hopping.


I'd like to participate, please! I blog hopped with you last year too, and it was so much fun! I love the witches, they don't look frightening at all :-)


This sounds like so much fun! i am really looking forward to this

nikki scott

hi,ive never done this before, it sounds like fun, what do i have to do to get involved? im in england and nobody does anything like this over here, oh what would i do without the internet!!!!!xxxx

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