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March 26, 2011



I come from a French heritage, but with a sideline of Cajun. Doesn't matter, though, I completely understand where you're coming from. I named my quilt studio Fleur de Lis because I wanted to honor that heritage. I think that our heritage is so ingrained in our psyche (if we're lucky) that we just use our backgrounds and folklore without thinking about it. Sure, we pick up other ideas and learn or study techniques that broaden our work, but a little bit of who we are just naturally presents itself in everything we do. It's what allows us to be unique.

Elinborg Dagmar Lárusdóttir

yes I think our heritage influences our work, I often think of the icelandic ´áttablaða rós´ when I see your projects and the first thing that comes to my mind is your throw Áskorun Ólafíu and your tabeltops skák og mát og Miklatorg :o)
(I don´t know the english names of these projects)

með kveðju
Elinborg D. Lár.

Barb in MI

Yes, I do believe we have our heritage still in us, no matter what we do. It may not be obvious to us, but it very often is to others... Though it still lets us be open for new influences, in new environments and the final mixture of it all makes you being YOU!
That much about being German in the US;-)

Debbie  St.Germain

I have done rosemaling with paints, but it has been years.
I live in New England, so I think working with primitive and colonial items is what I do most. Though, I also love folk art and art quilting, so I am a bit eclectic.


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