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« Round Robin Rebels - Terry's Quilt | Main | Winners and New Pattern Reveal »

April 30, 2014


Gloria Bruce

I like brights the best. I went to Paducah and thos booths would just make me happy to look at them.

Bev Gunn

I am a scrappy quilter and love the setting with the sashing! It is so "you".

Jamie Todhunter

I love to work with blues. Thank you for a chance to win.

Carol in E TN

My latest project has been using a variety of 30's fabrics. I call them "Happy Fabrics". Thanks for the giveaway!

Pat V.

I am currently in love with red and yellow.


Love your block and all the ideas for making it into such beautiful quilts. Can't wait to see your new fabric line and the new patterns. Hard to pick a favorite color, but right now with a new grandgirl I would have to say Pink. Good Luck at Market.

Barbara Spurr

Love working with Blue, brown and cream!! Lovely block

Diann Cornell

My favorite colors to work with are anything bright, especially bright, bright red.


I love your block. I will definitely buy this issue! My current favorite colors are shades of turquoise, with some royal blue thrown in.

Nicole Sender

Great block. I have been working on a 4 patch scrappy patch so all bright colors are used.

Pamela Reim

I love using black but lately I'm liking the greya with some of my hand dyes or batiks.

Lyn Kaufmann

Great block! Love the different ways it plays...and the Shoo Fly play once the cornerstones were in place. Wonderful. My favorite color to play with right now is yellow and red together. I'm liking tulips, I guess!


I like bright, cheerful colors found in 30's reproduction fabrics; but cannot say a specific color...sorry.


Pink and white!

Tabitha K.

I love your block, it has so many possibilities! I love the colors you laid out in your versions. Right now I've been drawn to aqua and red and pinks and brown. Thanks for the giveaway!

[email protected]

Rhonda Davis

Such a fun block! My favorite color is purple and currently pairing it with a golden yellow and/or a bright orange.


Blue and white.

Linda Wierenga

My favorite fabrics have been blues and oranges... Thanks for the post and the chance to win. Such an awesome blog you have here.. Excited to see your new fabrics.


What a fun block! A pink & green with a little tan quilt is still on my "want to do" list. Right now I'm working with yellow & blue - the yellow forms a friendship star in the center of each block with the blue forming consecutive ribbons throughout.

Pam C

How fun to try different colorways and get such different results

Liz A.

What a fun block. I definitely can dig through my scraps for this block. Right now I'm working with a lot of bright fabrics for Project Linus quilts.

Kathy Leake

I always like green. Nice block! Thanks for the opportunity to win the giveaway.


Can't wait for your new fabric line. Always love what you do.


Maybe because it is spring but I am loving the bright spring colours right now . Great block !


My favourite colours at the moment are hot shades like fuchsia or bright yellow which I tone with their paler counterparts and with different tones of grey. Basically only two colours but various tones of each.

Donna Hawley

I love jewel tones but lately I've been trying out neutrals.

Karrie Smith

coral, peach, white, and aqua :)Congrats on your block! I love how it looks in a quilt :)

Elizabeth McDonald  (catskill quilter)

My three favorite colors to work with now are aqua, peach and white. I love your quilt with the grey background version!

Jenelle Boxberger

This is a fun blog tour and thank you for putting my name into the drawing. right now I'm working with blues and browns and tans.


My favorite colors to work with are blues and purples.

Bev Hernandez

I also like the secondary design. Quilt is great in the gray background.

Cindy Dahlgren

My favorite colors right now are brights for spring and summer.

Linda Lee C

Love the addition of teal and orange! Quilts sit up and sing!

Debbie P

I have been working with pastels and aquas lately for a more beachy type feeling. Thanks for the nice design and the giveaway!


I'm working with spring colors in my first quilt - pinks, lavender, orange, and spring green and yellow. My favorite has to be the green. It's going to be such a happy quilt to wrap up in the wintertime. It will make me think of spring.

Elaine M.

I'm enjoying the salmon and rust combination right now.

Kim B

Splashes of yellow are always so cheerful. Especially in April! :)

Betty Harden

Favorite colors, oh dear, let's see. Red of course, aqua (turquoise), peach, purple, oh heck, all shades of all of them. Love your block.


Right now, I am really enjoying working with pinks and reds that coordinate. My daughter's favorite color (this week) is red and she is next on my list to get a quilt. I also love working with bright fabrics on a charcoal or black print background. Love your block especially, with the dark background. So versatile!

Janet T

Ok, you've gone and done it! If I don't win, I will have to go buy the magazine and make a scrappy from your block! Love it!

Geni Pickens

I like working with all colors. Love your block and all the setting layouts.

Beth T.

Plum and orange have been my favorites for awhile now, paired with gray..


I like silver and pink right now.


Love your block! And the variations are spectacular. Lately, I've been drawn to orange or shades thereof. Thanks for a chance at the give-away.


I've got a quilt going in red & black, and another in green, blue, and monkey print.

Laura McFall

I do a lot with rainbow colors - bold and bright.


I'm always drawn to jewel tones. Love how your block creates open background areas in the quilt design. I'm getting more and more drawn to that type of design.


Your block's a beauty, can wait to give it a try!!!

Gwen W

Love your block - and all of the options! I don't have a favorite color - I like them all!


I love the scrappy version of your quilt. Just finished a grey, pink and white girly quilt. I have been purchasing a lot of aqua lately so that is my favorite right now.

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